Mark Levin you can't understand the TRUTH about why the muslims are attacking us ? it's not because we're free and prosperous ASSHOLE! when we WERE free and prosperous everyone wanted to come here and admired us. it's because we are KILLING THIER FAMILIES, THIER CHILDREN by the 100,000's that they hate us. it's because WE OCCUPY thier lands that they hate us. It's because WE SUPPORT THIER ENEMIES that they hate us. It's because we are killing THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS , including children, in four of thier countries who have done us NOTHING, that they hate us. How many innocent civilians have RUSSIA or CHINA killed in foreign countries ? yet YOU ASSHOLES try to tell us that THEY are the bad guys ? NO YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES , like YOU Mark Levin, are the reason we're are hated all over the world. BECAUSE YOU wrap your flag around the worlds BULLY! WE are the mass murderers. THAT'S WHY THEY HATE US!
you THINK you KNOW who the tea party is.... but you are just another dis-information agent. I am the tea party, and IGNORE THE WARS all you want... WE place ending them as our priority second only to repealing the patriot acts. all your smoke and mirror issues like the debt and etc. is just the neocon way to hijack the movement and most of us aren't buying it. you're so effin STUPID you haven't figured out yet that why we elected Obama was because he was ANTI-WAR and promised to bring the troops home. he LIED of course, but THAT'S THE DECISIVE ISSUE that put him in the whitehouse. so you just keep shooting your stupid effin mouth off shouting SEIG HIEL at the flag and we'll vote to END THE WARS in 2012. too bad you're such a dinosaur that you can't see that WE caused 911 by forcing them to do SOMETHING to get our peoples attention about the 500,000 innocent civilians we had killed at that time ( many more since ) this was after the reports by ( seperately ) John's Hopkins study and a seperate study by UNESCO ( who said we were responsible for at least 250,000 children dieing in Iraq alone and that was many years ago. ) what would YOU DO Mark Levin, if you were in thier place ? we are still killing thier civilians, even in countries who are supposedly our friends, like Pakistan. HOW LONG, Mark Levin, do you expect the world to put up with our BULLYING? we have become JUST LIKE NAZI GERMANY ( pick up some history books levin) and our end will come just like them. in a pile of smoking ruins......
because of "patriots" like YOU.
you THINK you KNOW who the tea party is.... but you are just another dis-information agent. I am the tea party, and IGNORE THE WARS all you want... WE place ending them as our priority second only to repealing the patriot acts. all your smoke and mirror issues like the debt and etc. is just the neocon way to hijack the movement and most of us aren't buying it. you're so effin STUPID you haven't figured out yet that why we elected Obama was because he was ANTI-WAR and promised to bring the troops home. he LIED of course, but THAT'S THE DECISIVE ISSUE that put him in the whitehouse. so you just keep shooting your stupid effin mouth off shouting SEIG HIEL at the flag and we'll vote to END THE WARS in 2012. too bad you're such a dinosaur that you can't see that WE caused 911 by forcing them to do SOMETHING to get our peoples attention about the 500,000 innocent civilians we had killed at that time ( many more since ) this was after the reports by ( seperately ) John's Hopkins study and a seperate study by UNESCO ( who said we were responsible for at least 250,000 children dieing in Iraq alone and that was many years ago. ) what would YOU DO Mark Levin, if you were in thier place ? we are still killing thier civilians, even in countries who are supposedly our friends, like Pakistan. HOW LONG, Mark Levin, do you expect the world to put up with our BULLYING? we have become JUST LIKE NAZI GERMANY ( pick up some history books levin) and our end will come just like them. in a pile of smoking ruins......
because of "patriots" like YOU.