Wednesday, April 21, 2021

we will know


I am sooo tired of people quoting "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. -- Matthew 25:13" which says we won't know the day or hour. numerous other verses say we WILL KNOW when the time is near as well as the season ( not in winter ) and time of day ( in the evening at dusk ) try reading 1Peter 004:012 or Daniel 012:010 or Daniel 008:019 or REV 016:015 or Mark 013:026 or 1Thessalonians 005:004 . Those who quote Matthew 025:013 are a sign of the end time in and of themselves. They are the WILLINGLY IGNORANT mentioned in Peter 003:005. they are ignorant of the end times BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE!