Sunday, July 31, 2016

Democrat convention was one big fucking LIE!

I didnt catch much of the DNC bullshit. i only stopped on it when scanning channels. i could only watch a few moments before the lies made me sick to my stomach. you may recall last week i expected the DNC to be all lies because they COULDN'T tell the truth.

President Barack Obama gave a real Fidel Castro-esque stemwinder of a speech at the Democratic…

DNC advertises on CraigsList for 700 actors to fill empty Convention seats

On the night of July 26, 2016, the second day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Philadelphia, an ad was placed on Philadelphia Craig’s List asking for “700 actors” to fill empty seats in the DNC.
The reason for the empty seats?
In the words of the DNC ad, because “we are currently removing a number of people”, no doubt Bernie Sanders supporters.
Although the ad was since taken down, here’s a screenshot of the ad as proof (h/tGateway Pundit). I added the red underlining for emphasis.
DNC CraigsList ad1
And here’s a screenshot from MSNBC’s live coverage of the convention, showing many empty seats on Day 3 of the Democratic National Convention:
empty seats on day 3 of 2016 Democratic National Convention
As you saw for yourself, the ad explicitly said the people hired are to be “actors” who “will be required to cheer at all times”.
According to a July 27 tweet by Gateway Pundit‘s tipster, John Binder, the DNC also advertised for racial minorities to hold up Hillary signs at the convention:
CraigsList ad for racial minorities at DNC
Reporting from Philadelphia, independent investigative journalist Wayne Madsen observed yet another DNC fakery and hypocrisy — their indifference to the plight of disabled delegates:
Many of Monday night’s speeches at the convention were aimed at showcasing the Democratic Party’s commitment to disabled Americans. This editor, however, passed a number of Democratic delegates who were making the long two-mile odyssey from Oregon Avenue to the convention arena. Some were in motorized wheelchairs and one man with a leg problem was on a scooter. One lady suffering from some sort of paralysis was struggling on crutches. Some Democratic commitment to the disabled!”
It’s all theater, folks! –as fake as Hillary Clinton, pathological liar.
And as fake as these Democrats:
liberals are fakes

“They not only changed their formula to put Hillary ahead. They went back and changed the results, for a week of results where Trump was ahead, and then they turned those into Hillary leads. They also erased all the former polling off the site,”