Saturday, August 13, 2022


 calcium count 2965

ascending aorta 4.2 cm

all other indicators unremarkable

in the september before the covid-19 story broke there was a "flu" outbreak. i had it as well as my wife later. it was the first time either of us even had the sniffles in 30 years. we are convinced it was covid, mainly because we lost our sense of taste and smell just before symptoms started.

a few months later, during the lockdown, i started experiencing chest pains. UNSTABLE ANGINA which would hit anytime without cause even asleep.  they grew in intensity and frequency until, about a year ago, i had constant debilitating chest pain for more than a day.

when it subsided i had 4-5 days of ZERO pain!!!  the first painfree days in years!!!!

then it started again but now it was STABLE ANGINA. only hits when i exerted myself our got excited.

thats the current situation. but it seems to be getting better. fewer and less intense.

strangely enough, if i have one now while doing something, i can suffer through it and it goes away after 10 mins or so and doesnt return, even if i keep working, until i relax awhile.

sorta like a system reset.

i am CERTAIN my high calcium count is GENETIC! aggravated by dehydration.

Thursday, August 11, 2022


1 Parts Calcium Carbonate aka DOLOMITE

 2 parts Potassium bicarbonate aka cream of tartar

3 Parts Sodium Bicarbonate aka baking SODA ( not baking POWDER )