Thursday, January 26, 2023

rage of the democrats

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By Amil Imani
What underlies the rage of the Democrat Party and of the leftist Democrat Establishment vis-à-vis President Donald Trump?
Over forty years ago, during my high school years in Iran, my father and I had a conversation. He was an avid Republican, even though he lived on the other side of the world. Right before I prepared to leave Iran for the U.S., he gave me some fatherly advice. He explained why the Democrat Party was bad for America, bad for Iran, and bad for the world. He advised me that if I ever became a US citizen, I should never vote for Democrats. After all these years, I now understand what he meant by those words of wisdom.
For over twenty years, I did not vote simply because I was not a U.S. citizen. Even after I became one, I was not fully aware of the depth of this party's evil ideology, although eight long years of Obama's presidency was enough to make me realize that America was headed into Socialism and that revealed to me what brand of Democrats were in charge. But it was not until the election of President Trump that exposed just how corrupt the Democrats and every government institution were. Now that that genie is out of the bottle, they cannot put it back in. Public trust is out the door — all because it was Hillary Clinton's turn to be president, but she lost.
After the election was over, Clinton and her campaign staff were stunned and angry. So they went on a crusade and would remain there. They blamed everyone in her book for her loss, except the very person who lost the election. For the past three years, these phony investigations with the special Prosecutor and in the impeachment hearings in the House cost American taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. The left were fully aware that it was just a hoax and a fraud. In the process, the left hurt the country and the American people.
President Trump's opponents mostly are from the camp of Hillary Clinton– and Barack Obama–supporters, and liberal University Professors, who are all Socialists who think high taxes and bigger civil government should be foundational beliefs.
Both President Obama and Hillary Clinton were students of Saul Alinsky. Alinsky was a self-professed radical, obsessed with leftist ideology, and wrote a book, entitled, Rules for Radicals. Alinsky was a Community Organizer, and Obama followed in his footsteps as a Community Organizer, while Hillary Clinton also was a Alinsky radical, who even represented as a lawyer the Black Panthers for a crime they committed. Hillary Clinton was kicked off the Nixon impeachment investigation because of her unethical actions.
Moreover, the Left, rooted in Socialism, although often professing Social Christianity, are in fact steeped in multicultural moral relativism and not the precepts and principles that are in the Bible. Hence, the Christian, pro-American nationalism of President Trump — his campaign slogan of "Make America Great Again" — infuriates the Left, which flatters itself as being internationalist or "cosmopolitan" as well as the trend of the Socialist future. The left believes that Socialism and big government providing cradle to grave government economic support is superior to Capitalism or Free Enterprise.
Lastly, the Left Democrats and Socialists are pantheistic, and do not see Christianity as the only way for salvation and heaven, and thus abhors the basic Judeo‑Christian foundational base in American society, which is opposed to the Left's unqualified egalitarianism that negates the value of individual aspirations, hard work, and ingenuity.
If you think of Harry Truman's electoral victory over Thomas Dewey, you have a precedent for what happened in the 2016 election and what is happening today as we head toward the 2020 election. Truman's victory stunned the media, just as Trump's victory in 2016 has done. "Give 'Em Hell Harry," who worked as a haberdasher, reminds us of Trump, despite Trump being a billionaire.
Since the election of President Donald Trump, the Left has lost its collective mind. Leftists have gone into a stage of sheer lunacy and have not returned from it. It seems the entire liberal, left, Socialist world has combined its efforts to remove President Trump from office at all cost, using daily attacks, fabricating lies after lies, misinterpreting Trump's actions as President, criticizing him relentless, totally ignoring the great things he has done, especially with the best economy in the history of America. In their devilish process, the left has exposed its true nature.
I have stated many times that multiculturalism and the doctrine of moral relativism (whatever you feel is right to you is the basis of your morals) are destroying the moral fabric of America. Moral relativism is the core of the social sciences, hence of sociology, anthropology, psychology, and political science. It corrupts judges, opinion-makers, policymakers, and decision-makers.
Moral relativism denies the existence of evil. This doctrine is evident in the writings and pro-Palestinian attitude of former President Barack Obama. It was evident in the American policy of détente vis-à-vis the Soviet Union.
This Democrat Party no longer hides its agenda. They now openly encourage millions of illegal aliens to violate our laws and break into our country, and they want to sign them up for free welfare, free health care, and free education — and the right to vote with the help of their ace in the hole, the "Fake News" media.
What is the Democrat Party's mantra? It is basically "We're not Trump." We want to remove Trump from office, regardless what the voters decided.
Hillary Clinton tried "I'm not Trump!", and it did not work well for her in the 2016 election. Given the uncertainty that is about to envelop us, it is time for us to step out, and fight back. Although it will be difficult, and many won't join us, Trump and the Republican party who are Pro-life, Pro- Second Amendment, Pro Christian, Pro Israel, Pro Strong Military and Vets, Pro lower taxes, Pro fair trade deals, Pro Free Enterprise, Pro low unemployment, Pro small businesses, Pro Prayer in Schools, Pro Conservative, Pro Strict Constitution Interpreting Justices and Judges, Pro Wall being built, and Pro legal immigration laws to stop the illegal invasion of our country; so I think Republicans are our only hope.
Every day Democrats and the drive-by media attack Trump and the Republicans because the the Democrats are Socialists who are power grabbers. Democrats think, "Let's just make up a story and impeach Trump." Democrats's attitude is just do everything we can to disrupt the conscience of the nation by combating the traditional values of our Founding Fathers and the Christian community.
Democrats lie to minorities to get reelected, but never do anything to stop unemployment. Unemployment under Obama was 9.3%. Trump has the lowest unemployment level for minorities in the history of our nation. Many Blacks are opening their eyes to the truth and joining the Christians in the Republican party.
The lie of the Democrats are that Republicans are only for the wealthy class and businesses and don't want to help the plight that the poor and underprivileged suffer in society. The truth is that President Trump has done more for prison reform, established the lowest tax brackets for the poor, given more grants for new minority business start ups than any President before him. Trump has many Black Pastors who endorse his efforts, and Trump has set up a special Black Leader Advisory Board in the White House.
Democrats have done little for the well-being of the poor and the middle-class. Democrats have promoted multi-generational welfare recipients and have continued the Plantation mentality by Democrat "Slave" Owners. The Democrats have been in power in the poorest Cities in America, and the poverty and unemployment have become worse, while joining gangs has increased, and crime has increased. At the same time, the Democrats are Pro abortion, but really they believe in Eugenics. There are more Black babies that are aborted than are live births. Democrats don't want the Black population to increase. Abortion is a racist policy of the Democrats.
The Democrats have thrown all their eggs into the "Hate Trump" and '"Hate Republicans" basket, but that doesn't seem to be helping their poll numbers.
It is obvious that the Democrat Party is at war with America, not just Republicans; and Democrats are not interested in stopping any time soon their deranged totally angry and hateful attacks. They will have new hearings again to impeach Trump with new trumped up charges if there is a new Democrat majority in the House. Also, if we don't continue a Republican majority in the Senate, there will be no more Strict Constitution Interpreting Justices and Judges confirmed.
The radical left enjoys controlling people from cradle to grave. They actively legislate Socialism. They want to be in charge for eternity. The leftist agenda recommends denial of personal responsibility, encourages self-pity and fosters government reliance, promotes sexual indulgence, rationalizes violence, excuses financial obligation, justifies theft, ignores rudeness, prescribes complaining and blaming, promotes Muslim Sharia law, denigrates the sanctity of marriage and the family, legalizes all abortion, defies religious and social tradition, declares inequality unjust, and rebels against the duties of citizenship and much more.
For decades, the Democrat Party has shown by both words and deeds that they despise the U.S. Constitution while they bend over backward to embrace Islamists, illegal aliens, and anyone who hates America and feels entitled. The left is interested only in power and nothing else — even if it means sacrificing our safety and security.
In short, America is on a precarious path to lose its freedom and our Constitution we have cherished for over 200 years. We must accept that the current Democrat Party is no longer the party of John F. Kennedy. It has become the greatest threat to our national security and our survival as a nation.

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